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Aug 28, 2008


Its 2 am in the night and m writing this blog, I don’t know why…!!!!!!!

In the vain effort to beat the insomnia that has been troubling me from quite some days, I have slowly started to do a lot of things in life. Only when the tinge of Solitude knocks a person, he can apprehend what he desires and what he is capable of doing, in life.

This solitude stuck me too… The lonely nights that I spend these days doing crazy things... I sing, I dance, I talk to myself, gaze at the wall, stare at myself in the mirror, watch a movie, listen to music, open the refrigerator for the nth time, check my phone now and then to see “No SMS“ nor “CALLS” and what not. I’m lost --- Wer am I???? I question myself ….

The best part of the whole obsession is, the realization of a few things like, what I want in life, what I like to do, what are my hobbies r n blab blab blab.. In fact I’ve started to do a lot of new things that I’ve done a very little of it before, like I’ve taken up reading more seriously than programming, listen to music except when I’m sleeping, watch more movies and above all blog more seriously and a lot more of such stuff I must say.

Having done all this and experiencing this great feeling, I strappingly say, solitude is a very important thing in every human being’s life, for a lot of reasons. No.1 one gets to explore their inner mortal and their true self. One can read one’s own mind more accurately when he is alone. There is clarity in whatever he does cos the chance of one getting prejudiced by others is mere zilch.

I have learnt a lot from this seclusion, m sure guys there must be something hid in u as well, its rite there some wer, ponder a little bit of urself not deliberately though… be sure to find something new… N above all enjoy ur solitude, at this very moment I feel it’s one of god’s greatest gift to us…!!!

Aug 27, 2008

Google.. The Leader...!!!

Being a Google addict myself, I think this one necessarily needed to be discussed in my blog

Google with its products like Blogger, Docs, Gmail, iGoogle, orkut, Picassa Web Albums, Reader, gTalk and the recent Adsense, Adwords, Alerts, groups, etc.,.rule the web. Every internet user in the world would use any one of the above products at least once in a single day. For millions of Netizens, the G Company has already become synonymous with God.

Google is the most widely used search engine on the web with a 53.6% market share, ahead of Yahoo! (19.9%) and Live Search (12.9%). Google indexes billions of Web pages, so that users can search for the information they desire, through the use of keywords and operators, at any given time it will return a maximum of 1,000 results for any specific search query.

Google has raced to become the biggest brand of the century. And there is nothing virtual about it as the company stream rolls ahead not withstanding even the US economic recession. According to a recent survey, the Internet company has managed to upstage established brands and behemoths such as Coca Cola and Microsoft to claim the No. 1 spot as global top brand. In fact, the search leader recently also emerged as the top brand in UK, moving two places up from last year. Google beat Microsoft and Mercedes Benz to gain the top spot. It had also topped a 'Super brands' poll earlier this year. Clearly, there seems to be no stopping the Google juggernaut as it chugs ahead.
Coming to the work culture Google follows a relaxed corporate culture, of which its playful variations on its own corporate logo are an indicator. In 2007 and 2008, Fortune Magazine placed Google at the top of its list of the hundred best places to work. Google's corporate philosophy embodies such casual principles as "you can make money without doing evil," "you can be serious without a suit," and "work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun.
Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California, is referred to as "the Googleplex" has a lobby which is decorated with piano, lava lamps, old server clusters, and a projection of search queries on the wall. Recreational amenities are scattered throughout the campus and include a workout room with weights and rowing machines, locker rooms, washers and dryers, a massage room, assorted video games, Football, a baby grand piano, a pool table, and ping pong. In addition to the recreation room, there are snack rooms stocked with varieties of food and drinks served.
As an interesting motivation technique (usually called Innovation Time Off), all Google engineers are encouraged to spend 20% of their work time (one day per week) on projects that interest them. Some of Google's newer services, such as Gmail, Google News, Orkut, and AdSense originated from these independent endeavors. In a talk at Stanford University, Marissa Mayer, Google's Vice President of Search Products and User Experience, stated that her analysis showed that half of the new product launches originated from the 20% time.

Is it the aberrant work culture that Google follows made it one of the best or what is it behind its success…???
Ever wondered what the world around you will look like if Google owned it? Common start visualizing a 'Google World', a world where Google runs burger chains, automobile companies, owns resorts, has a fleet of Airbus, and whatever else that one can think of....
M sure google will achieve atleast 50% of it in the next few decades

Aug 21, 2008

Consanguineous marriages

Marriage..but among who...!!!
Lets start with the Muslims,Islam permits marriage between first cousins. The Qur'anic verses enumerate women to whom a Muslim cannot be married; you will find that this list does not include cousins. Therefore, such a marriage is permissible within Muslims.
In Iraq, as in much of the region, nearly half of all married couples are first or second cousins to each other. A 1986 study of 4,500 married hospital patients and staff in Baghdad found that 46% were wed to a first or second cousin, while a smaller 1989 survey found 53% were "consanguineously" married. The most prominent example of an Iraqi first cousin marriage is that of Saddam Hussein and his first wife Sajida.

But the contradictory part of it is,
For eg, according to Article 10: Circumstances where marriage is forbidden of the Vietnam Law
Marriage is forbidden in the following circumstances:
Between people currently married;
Between people who have lost their civil capacity to act;
Between people of the same direct blood line;
between relatives within three generations;
There exists a very clear distinction among different groups of people in the society but about a one common thing.
Okay, now why do people go for consanguineous marriages? Here are a few reasons:
The most probable one: When cousins themselves are interested in getting married with each other, parents are left with very little choice.
Second one being, people feel that they can retain their property within their families
Can avoid large amounts of dowry
The boy or the girl is well known to the family and there is no feeling of an outsider coming in to one’s family and many more.

Now what are the effects of such marriages?????
The child born to the first level or the second level cousins carry over a lot of genetic diseases and are prone to be born mentally retarded.
Researchers in Europe and America have realized what a gold mine the Pakistani population is - for identifying the basis of many genetic diseases. Thalessemia, a disorder of hemoglobin production and anemia is the most common one (approximately 1 in 25 individuals in Pakistan carries this gene), but just a cursory search of recent literature identified a laundry list of exotic sounding diseases.
What I have mentioned about the effect of such marriages on children is quite true. Hereditary points of weakness in a family tend to be more pronounced in the children of any marriage between cousins of that family and that this is not totally a new discovery. It is needless to say that when marriage of cousins is repeated over several generations, they are bound to have more effects on children.
American society is so biased against inbreeding that many Americans have a hard time even conceiving of marrying a cousin. Yet, arranged matches between first cousins (especially between the children of brothers) are considered the ideal throughout much of a broad expanse from North Africa through West Asia and into Pakistan and India.
Why is there such bias prevailing in this society? One says marrying one’s cousin brother or cousin sister is legal while the other says marrying a cousin (ie. brother’s sister’s children or vice versa) is lawful and one completely disagrees with the very thought of marriages within one’s family.
Now why there is no enough awareness about consanguineous marriages? Is it the government or the Law makers who are to be blamed, for not bringing things to light or is it people’s custom that has let them carry over such imprudent traditions.
It’s not about a girl and a guy marrying, it’s about what happens next. The child which is born carry’s a lot of genetic disorder and its life is in a toss…Survey indicates that at least one in every fifty newborns has a major congenital anomaly, one in hundred has a monogenic disorder and one in two hundred has a chromosomal abnormality and number seems to be rising, and there is no end to this universal confusion the society or the people in the society have…!!!